112.5 million reasons to be a blood donor
Every year in June countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day and in September National Blood Donor Week here in Australia, and we're keen to get involved in the celebrations.
These events provide an opportunity to thank the nearly half a million generous Australian's, and the approximate 112.5 million worldwide, blood donors.
Each donation has the potential to save three lives, that’s up to 337.5 million lives saved.
Looking ahead to June, we want to encourage you to get involved in giving blood and becoming a life saver and bloody legend.
It takes just 10-15 minutes to donate blood, around an hour for the whole process, and it doesn't cost you a cent. Once the needle part is over, you can relax and enjoy the idea of the life saving blood you are giving. You even get a free snack and drink at the end of your blood donation.
According to the Red Cross Blood Service, if you're 18-70 years old, healthy and have a weight over 50kg, you may be eligible to give blood.
Take the Red Cross Blood Service's 'Are you the type to give blood' quiz to find out if you're eligible.
If you find you're not eligible to donate blood, you can be a financial donor to help vital programs and services through the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.
To find out where your nearest blood donation service is, visit www.donateblood.com.au