In an emergency call 000
(07) 3399 5444
171 Riding Rd, Balmoral QLD 4171

7.30am - 5.30pm*
7.30am - 5.30pm*
7.30am - 5.30pm*
7.30am - 5.30pm*
7.30am - 5.30pm*
Public Holidays:
* These Hours may vary, subject to Practitioner availability.

We have limited Patient car parking (including Disabled Parking), accessed from Grosvenor St. We also provide a lift for wheelchair and pram access from the patient car park.
A wheel chair is available for easy access to the surgery.

We work in conjunction with the National Home Doctor Service, who provide Bulk Billed After Hours GP Home Visits.
To book, call 13 74 25 (13 SICK), or click on the National Home Doctor Service icon to the right.

We offer a courtesy Reminder and Recall Service. Patients will be sent reminders for repeat/routine preventative procedures (eg Pap Smear, Breast Screen & Bowel Screening) and vaccinations.
Please Note: this is an “Opt Out” service. As such, please notify reception if you do not wish to receive this service.

All patient records are treated within the guidelines of the National Privacy Principles, which are available at
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Click the link below to view our Privacy Policy document.

Sterilisation of operating instruments is via a modern autoclave, according to Australian Standards. Other equipment (such as needles and syringes) are disposable.
Our infection control procedures conform to RACGP standards.

This Practice has been continually accredited with AGPAL since 2000. Accreditation demonstrates that this Practice has met standards that have been set to ensure high quality care is provided in a safe and well organised manner.
General practice accreditation is a voluntary process – which means not all practices undergo an independent on-site assessment on a regular basis.

We are constantly striving to improve the quality of service to our patients. We value your input and any suggestions or concerns you may have that may assist us in enhancing the quality of our care. Please email us with any comments.
Complaints may also be directed to:
P: 133 646
The Office of the Health Ombudsman
PO Box 13281,
George St,
Brisbane, QLD 4003

Our Practice participates in the education of the next generation of doctors. Occasionally there may be a medical student on rotation with us. You will be notified at Reception who the student is and which doctor they will be working with. The doctor will always seek your permission for them to be present prior to your consultation beginning. You are under no obligation to have the student present.

This code outlines the expected standard of conduct for patients. By attending our Practice you agree to uphold this standard and understand that failure to do so may result in discontinuation of treatment.
Patients agree:
They will be courteous and respectful at all times.
They will follow our Infection Control Policy by advising us of infectious symptoms before entering the practice (cough, fever, sore throat, rash, runny nose, diarrhea, or vomiting).
Patients will refrain from:
Intimidating, aggressive, insulting or disrespectful behaviour.
Abusive language, menacing gestures, shouting, or verbal/physical threats.
Racial or cultural slurs or other derogatory remarks associated with, but not limited to, race, language, gender, sexuality, or age.
Attending under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Damaging or stealing practice property.
Allowing children to climb on furniture or disrupt other patients or staff.
Loud conversations or noise from mobile phones and other devices.
Our staff, doctors and other visitors have a right to feel safe.
We have a zero-tolerance policy. Anyone who fails to adhere to this Code of Conduct will be asked to leave (police may be called) and their care will be transferred elsewhere.
If you are subjected to any of these behaviours or witness inappropriate behaviour, please report to any staff member.