Plan for tomorrow, live for today
Join Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) as they ask you to get involved in National Advance Care Planning Week between 16th-22nd April.
The ACPA, a national program funded by the Australia Government Department of Health, enables Australians to make the best choices for their life and health care.
During National Advance Care Planning Week they encourage all Australians to discuss their future health care preferences with their loved ones.
For the ACPA "an advance care directive can empower and prepare individuals, their loved ones, carers and healthcare professionals for important healthcare decisions in the future. This approach reduces anxiety and improves outcomes for all involved."
At Hawthorne Clinic we are proud to be entrusted with the health care of families across generations. We understand how difficult these conversations can be, yet we see the importance of having a clear plan for ongoing and end of life health care when you are unable to speak for yourself. We are here to encourage and help facilitate these difficult conversations.
Advance care planning ensures that there is a clear directive in place for a person's health and care if they are too unwell to speak for themselves.
Advance care planning is particularly important for people; with advanced illness, who are older and frail, dealing with a chronic illness, serious injury, multiple diseases, approaching their end of life or experiencing early cognitive impairment.
Writing an Advance Care Plan allows your health care wishes to be communicated ever if you are unable to communicate for yourself. This can provide some clarity and peace of mind for everyone involved in a persons care.
Advance care planning for an individual really is a team effort. As ACPA see it, it's "about relationships between individuals, their families and carers, health professionals, community organisations and healthcare organisations. Each group has its own roles and responsibilities to ensure that Australians' health care preferences are respected."
We, along with ACPA and inline with National Advance Planning Week, encourage everyone to start discussing their advance care plan. You do not have to be unwell to start planning and being prepared for any eventuality.
What would your health and care preferences be?
Do your loved ones know your wishes if you were unable to communicate them for yourself?
- appointing a substitute decision-maker
- completing an Advance Care Directive
Find out more about Advance Care Planning with this ACP Fact Sheet.
Advance care planning really does benefit everyone: the person, their family, carers, health professionals and associated organisations.
"It helps to ensure people receive the care they actually want. It improves ongoing and end-of-life care, along with personal and family satisfaction."
"Families of people who have an advance care plan have less anxiety, depression, stress and are more satisfied with care."1
For healthcare professionals and organisations, it reduces unnecessary transfers to acute care and unwanted treatment.2
If you would like to begin the process of an Advance Care Plan with your GP, or if you would simply like to find out more information about how your GP can help you, please contact reception on 3399 5444.
References & Resources
Original article sourced:
1. Detering, KM, Hancock, AD, Reade, MC, Silvester, W 2010, ‘The impact of advance care planning on end of life care in elderly patients: randomised controlled trial’, British Medical Journal, 340: c1345.doi:10.1136.
2. Brinkman-Stoppelenburg A, Rietjens JA, van der Heide A. The effects of advance care planning on end-of-life care: a systematic review. Palliat Med 2014; 28: 1000–1025.