5 Daily Habits For A Calmer Day
(Because we all need to stress less)
We'd all like to stress less.
To have our homes resemble peaceful yoga retreats, our meals make a nutritionist jealous and our schedules filled with 'me time' consisting of meditation, pampering and relaxing.
But if you're from planet Earth (or have kids) you know that this is for some a stretch and others just a daydream.
Research shows that 90% of Australians need to stress less1, so how can we add a little more 'calm' into our days in a way that is realistic and achievable?
We've shortlisted our top 5 tips that can become daily habits to help you have a happier and calmer day.
1. Hydrate
Although you are not knowingly active while you're asleep, your body activates an important cycle of rest and restoration, allowing you to wake ready for the new day.
The average six to eight hours of sleep is a long time for your body to go without water, that's why your number one to-do when you wake is to rehydrate your body.
Rehydrating first thing will help your body to wake up - increasing your level of alertness, fuel your brain, fight sickness, and even jump-start your metabolism.2
Top tip - put a bottle of water by your bed each evening ready to grab when you wake. That way it's a body benefit you don't even have to get out of bed for.
2. Write
"Ink it don't think it" or so the saying goes. Most people don’t need an excuse to purchase new stationery but we're giving you one.
Find yourself a notepad and pen that you love and keep this in a visible and easy to access location ready for you each morning.
Journaling is a great method of processing your thoughts and even if you can only find a few minutes, you'll be surprised at how therapeutic this process can be.
Scribble down thoughts, worries, dreams or ideas while your sipping a coffee or having some breakfast. It's a great way to take a load off your mind before the day has really begun.
Top tip - Journaling before bed often helps us stop ruminating on issues whilst we are trying to get to sleep.
3. Plan your meals
Planning is essential especially when it comes to healthy eating. Making time once a week to plan ahead, create a simple menu for the week, and organise your shopping list, really does set you up for success.
Meal planning allows you to utilise ingredients, bulk cook meals, and ensure you have healthy go-to snacks at the ready when the munchies hit.
Top tip - eating the same meal over and over can get a little boring for the taste buds. So how about creating meal options that mix and match ingredients and bulk prepare these? Think pre-cooking chicken breasts, steaming and roasting some vegetables, hard boiling some eggs and roasting some potatoes. With a simple dressing, these ingredients could create a number of various dishes that are easy and quick to pull together.
4. Declutter
Clutter is simple procrastination in physical form. It's the unmade decisions like the old pair of shoes your not sure if you should throw out or not, the gas bill you'll get to paying sometime next week, the kids board game that you'll find the lid for soon and pack away.
Clutter out of sight is manageable but when it starts to spill out of the 'clutter draw' and under the bed into your line of sight it steals your attention, energy, and time.
Make time each day to focus 5 minutes on decluttering.
Pick an area or room that you can easily tackle in the time you have and be decisive. The objective is not to create a minimalist show home but to remove some of the to-do's that are weighing you down.
Top tip - Ask for help, it's all about teamwork. Discuss the end result with your family or partner and delegate rooms and/or tasks out. We can each take responsibility for the space we inhabit.
5. Disconnect from devices
We are fast becoming inseparable from our phones. Often, they are the last thing we touch at night and the first object we interact with in the morning.
By creating a device curfew one hour before your bedtime always your body to wind down and get ready for sleep, along with allowing you to have one less thing to be on call for - the world.
You will be amazed at how the pace of life seems to slow down when you disconnect from your device. It allows you to be more present, focused and provides space for you to explore other enjoyable activities such as time with your partner, reading a book or getting organised for the next day.
Top tip - Grab an old shoe box for each family member or create a family phone basket, where devices are turned off and put away at the agreed time, maybe over dinner or quiet time.
Disconnecting from the world really can allow you to reconnect with the ones closest to you.
We hope you find these tips easy to incorporate and that they bring a sense of calm into your day.
Sources & Resources:
1. https://stressdown2018.gofundraise.com.au/